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Bistox is a new currency for exchanging crypto-currencies, which claims to be one of the most complex and secure exchanges in the market today. This is supported by NEM technology, and in the near future it will offer an initial offer of coins (ICO). To learn more about this, read our review.

This is a semi-decentralized exchange of cryptography, intended for traders who are at completely different levels in their careers. Bistox has a machine that beginners can easily use in trading, and veterans can explore to get more profit when they have to trade.

Some of the company's main features are how it offers notice before trading and training after trading using intelligence, neural networks, in-depth training. Basically, this exchange will give you a signal so that you know when you need to trade and you can use it later to test your strategy using historical data.

You can fully control your risk management using this platform and you can target your interesting news so that you can better predict the market, use daily learning algorithms and even invent your own strategies based on the behavior of other traders that you can find on the Internet,
Currently, the company sells BSX tokens. 55% of them will be sold in sales, and 5% will be prizes, 10% will become consultants, 20% will go to the team, and 10% will be in the reserve funds. Close the software from the sale will be $ 5 million with a hard stamp of $ 25 million.

30% of the money will be used in research and development, 25% in marketing, 15% in administration and support, 15% in reserve funds and 5% in legal costs.

The BSX current will represent the user's assets in the NEM block chain, and you will be able to use BSX to pay registration fees, exchange on the platform, withdraw your profits or as a commission for margin.

Currently, the company has private sales, which will be completed in August. At this stage only accredited investors, strategic partners and investment funds with a maximum size of $ 5 million and a minimum limit of $ 100,000 per investor and a 30% bonus on prices can participate.

Pre-sale Bistox will have a 15% bonus, and this phase will begin on September 9th. You must enter a whitelist through the process of "Knowing your customers" in order to be able to invest in this stage, and you will receive a 15% bonus when buying tokens. You must receive at least 5 ETH in tokens and no more than 25 ETH. This stage will end on October 5, and will also have a solid capitalization of $ 5 million.

Finally, there is a general sale of BSX tokens, which will have a hard cap of $ 15 million and a minimum limit of 0.1 ETH per person, but without a discount when purchasing a token. This last stage will begin on October 10 and will last until November 9. You also need to transfer the KYC white list for investment.

The exchange of the test network will start on October 10, as public sales will begin, and the launch of Alpha will take place on October 30. Finally, on November 14, air holidays will be held, and tokens will be checked. , Beta-launch will be held on November 29.

This does not seem like a big investment. Although this project promises a lot of things, it does not look serious. You only need to see how the site is filled with incomplete parts, and that there are errors and there is no information on many important aspects to understand that this is simply a bad idea to invest your money in Bistox.

In addition, he did not even say who worked for the company, which often became a big red flag. You need to find a stable platform and promises, so avoid this.

For more information, please click on the link below:

Username: btcforchild


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