Free access to foreign fund portfolios is facilitated through the AIDUS Coin that would overcome various limitations from border, time, and currency

Hallo ... If you are interested in joining the AIDUS project or you are interested in joining the AIDUS project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the AIDUS project.


Single fiat currency with the base of coin fundamentals
Guarantee on the Fundamental Value
ICO Asset Management through QTS
Simultaneous Profits from Asset Management and Increase in the Coin Value
Real Currency
- Single Currency on the Fund Market
Operation of Single Currency for Signing, Exchange, and Redemption

QTS, proprietary high profit solution
Proprietary QTS on the Platform
FOREX Trading-based QTS fully Developed
QTS is Provided to AMCs within the Platform Safe and High-Profit Fund Portfolios can be Designed

Decentralized Fund Market
Investor-friendly global funding market
Free Access in Signing into Global Funds
Free Access in Signing and Authenticating in Funds
Providing Verified Fund Information
Minimum Fees charged to Investors
Free Usage of Platform
Minimum Fees to Investors for Exchange and Redemption

Leading the digital asset
management ecosystem
AIDUS ecosystem strategy that will innovate the asset management market
Establishment of Digital Asset Management Ecosystem
Establishment of Global Consortium Co-Operation of Digital Asset Management City District
Management of Ecosystem Development Fund
Development of Innovative Technologies & Start-up (Incubating)
Utilization of AIDUS Coin
Generation of two-way profits from fund management performance and increase of
AIDUS Coin value through fund signing and usage on the Fund Market Platform

AIDUS Coin Differentiation Strategy
World's first fundamental-based coin through the QTS asset management
Single currency for fund signing and redemption

Coin that is based on the safe
(Coin that can never be zero in value)
50% of the ICO asset volume shall be
managed by the proprietary QTS with an aim to
secure safe fundamentals equivalent to
the entire ICO asset volume

Real currency that is used for
investment in real economy
(Coin value will increase as per the
fund management volume increases)
Asset management performance +
increase in the coin value(two-way profit)
The bigger the fund volume in the platform
will be, the bigger the coin usage volume.
Thus, as per continuous growth of fund volume
in the platform, coin value will
also continuously grow in the market

Growth Potential
Aiming to the world's top 3
(Expansion of the ADFP asset
management volume)
Single currency to be used in the single
largest market in the entire world
AIDUS Decentralized Fund Platform
Operation of Decentralized Global Fund Market Platform (ADFP)
that can enable high profit asset management through the proprietary QTS
Core Differences in D-Fund Market Platform
‘Global Fund Supermarket’ that generate higher profit rates than that of the world
renowned fund management firms as well as highly accessible only through the AIDUS Coin

D-Fund Market
Blockchain-based Decentralized Fund Market
(Security, Direct Fund signing)
Blockchain-based innovative decentralized fund supermarket
Powerful security features
(authentication, transaction, coin storage and etc.)
IPFS (Interplanetary File System) technologies
Co-authentication system (strengthening private
information protection)

Investor-oriented services
Convenient global investment
Transparent and verified fund information
(free usage of platform)
Minimum exchange fee and minimum exchange rate risk Free access to global funds through coin-based investment Transparent information on the AMCs and funds Authentication of management performance data through world renowned notarization agencies Security enhancement through Blockchain-based technologies

SMART Contract
Fast and accurate access to funds
(SMART Contract-based fund operation)
SMART Contract-based authentication,
signing, exchange, and redemption of the funds,
which are all transparent, fast, and accurately
Automatic fund trading system that can enable continuous and safe yield rate
through big data that has been accumulated for several years

Remarkable Yield Rate
Accomplishment of 98.95% Annual Average
Yield Rate for 11 Accounts
( June 2015 - September 2018 )
Operation Period :
Minimum 2 months ~ Maximum 39 months
Current world top yield rate is about 15%
Securing of needful fundamentals to protect
the coin value
Accomplishment of 15 years of research

Overcoming 3 major market disasters in 2016
(Stability-oriented Algorithm)
U.K Votes for Brexit : June 24, 2016 ( 29.6% )
U.K Pound Plunges : October 7, 2016 ( 9.2% )
U.S Presidential Election : November, 2016 ( 8.5% )
Stability has been confirmed at global risk that can only happen once in 10 years

Low service fees
Low service fees are imposed
on the investors
(when compared with global fund operators)
Providing higher profits to investors
(Renaissance Technologies : 50%
/ Smart QTS : 30%)
Various systematic fund portfolios
can be designed



Development Leader Group

Team Member
Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the AIDUS project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to talk directly with or their team, at the link.
For more information and join AIDUS social media today please follow the following sources:
Username: btcforchild
Eth: 0x5D3D7FC48bAacC703d9dd27cB3Fdd86008577531
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