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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2019

SPARROW: Berdagang di Sparrow

Halo semuanya, Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek Sparrow , sebaiknya baca ulasan yang dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi mereka, sebagai berikut: PENGANTAR Kekuatan perdagangan aset sangat besar, selalu menuntut banyak dari pengguna dan telah membantu begitu banyak pengguna memiliki pengalaman malam yang baik terutama ketika mereka menggunakan semua jenis aset. Perdagangan harus ditingkatkan karena peran dalam membangun investor atau perusahaan di blockchain karena tanpa itu, hanya ada sedikit apa yang dapat dilakukan atau dicapai oleh pengguna cryptocoin. Baru-baru ini, institusi dan pedagang individu tidak berdagang dengan baik, selalu ada terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit bagi mereka untuk membatasi kemajuan mereka dalam jaringan dan menjadikan mereka subjek yang sepenuhnya menghadapi kesulitan. Tapi sekarang Sparrow diperkenalkan, berniat untuk menyelamatkan pengguna dari tantangan perdaganga...


Storichain adalah proyek yang menyediakan aplikasi dApp sebagian terdesentralisasi dan protokol umum untuk memecahkan masalah industri cerita menggunakan karakteristik blockchain. "Industri cerita" mengacu pada industri yang menggunakan "cerita" sebagai sumber produk-produknya dan mencakup bidang-bidang seperti film, drama, novel web, drama web, drama, musikal, dan acara radio. Storichain dapat dilihat sebagai sistem manajemen aset sejarah digital yang memungkinkan orang untuk melakukan transaksi online bahkan dengan orang-orang yang tidak dapat diandalkan dengan masuk ke dalam "perjanjian untuk mencegah pencurian ide". Masalah lain dalam industri adalah masalah bagi hasil. Sebagai contoh, industri webtoon, yang merupakan salah satu industri berbasis plot terbesar di Korea, telah melampaui $ 700 juta dalam ukuran pasar, tetapi masih banyak orang yang meragukan struktur pembagian keuntungan dalam industri tersebut, serta dalam banyak bahan . Pemb...

Storichain Company Overview

Storichain is a project that provides a partially decentralized dApp application and a general protocol for solving the story industry problems using blockchain characteristics. The “story industry” refers to an industry that uses “stories” as the source of its products and includes areas such as films, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals and radio shows.  Storichain can be seen as a digital history asset management system that allows people to make online transactions even with unreliable people by entering into an “agreement to prevent the theft of ideas”. Another problem in the industry is that of profit sharing. For example, the webtoon industry, which is one of Korea’s largest plot-based industries, has already exceeded $ 700 million in market size, but there are still many people who doubt the profit sharing structure in the industry, as well as in many materials. Creators still have difficulty getting enough compensation for their work. Storichain be...

[Review ICO] Perfect the Medium-Decentralized Video Media platform

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, you should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission What is Filter Media? Refine Medium is a decentralized media platform that presents authentic and high-quality video content. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain which is designed to allow viewers, creators and platform innovators to connect through smart blockchain-based contracts. The only platform that will provide incentives to each and every stakeholder for their contribution to the platform. About Fixing Media Trends in making, transporting & consuming videos throughout the world experiencing major disruptions. The difference between print and digital media, video and sports games, wireless and fixed internet access, pay TV and Over-The-Top (OTT), social media and traditional media is blurred. For consumers worldwide, entertainment has become a necessity. This gives a g...


I. Introduction  KFH has completed a customary procedure of expelling itself from its hidden facilities. However, the first issue of the importance of killer application of computerized cash standards has been reliably performed as a layer parts of people who require anonymity and control selection. Basically, these were clients of the dwindling network.  A-Survey of  Storichain's mission is a commitment that gives a somewhat decentralized dApp application a general convention to address the story of business issues using blockchain attributes. The "business story" hints to the industry that "stories" are used as a source of items that include areas such as dramas, Web books, web shows, musicals, and radio programs. Storichain can be considered as a computerized history resource board framework that enables individuals to exchange online even with problematic individuals by going to "consent to avoid theft of ideas". Another issue ...

Rantai Nilai Industri Cerita (Project riview)

Halo, crypto dan blockchain tercinta. Hari ini saya akan menjelaskan The Blockchain Storichain, lihat, luangkan sedikit waktu Anda. Storichain benar-benar program yang bagus! Saya senang bisa bermitra dengan proyek ini. Selain itu saya melihat tim yang sangat andal dan berpengalaman dalam mengelola proyek ini. Saya yakin proyek ini akan membawa kesuksesan besar nanti dan saya akan selalu mendukung proyek ini. proyek ini memiliki tim yang kuat, yang memiliki pengalaman untuk pengembangan di masa depan, ini adalah proyek yang baik untuk investasi. Ikhtisar Storichain adalah proyek global yang menyediakan dApp sebagian terdesentralisasi dan protokol bersama untuk industri cerita untuk menyelesaikan masalah industri cerita melalui karakteristik blockchain. Istilah 'Story Industry' mengacu pada industri yang menggunakan 'story' sebagai sumber produk mereka dan mencakup bidang-bidang seperti film, drama, novel web, drama web, drama, musik, dan drama radio.  Saat...


What is the history of the industry? This refers to the media industry based on such stories as movies, dramas and web cartoons. The role of the intermediary (distributor) in the modern story industry is positive in the sense that it is responsible for efforts aimed at giving the end user the optimum benefit from secondary work. However, what benefits do screenwriters get from 10 million movie views? How much would ordinary readers benefit from reading and answering the original novel? How often is “excess income” distributed to the original author when the original story is sold as a secondary copyright? The problem of distribution of super profits arose only yesterday or today, but we believe that this should not happen again tomorrow. Now we need a fair distribution and distribution for the author who created the story, which is the source material for the additive media industry, and which in the future will be 130 trillion won. Meanwhile, it was so difficu...

Storichain began to create a value base for creating stories

What is the story industry? This refers to narrative-based media industries such as film, drama and webtoons. The role of distributors in the current story industry is positive because it is responsible for efforts to provide end consumers with optimal benefits from secondary work. However, how many benefits will screenwriters enjoy from the 10 million films seen? How many ordinary readers benefit from reading and responding to original novels? How often is "excess income" distributed to the original author when the original story is sold as a secondary copyright? The problem of distributing excess revenue only happened yesterday or today, but we believe that this can't happen again tomorrow. Now we need fair distribution & allocation for the authors who created the story, which are source material for the media additive industry, which amounts to 130 trillion won in the future. Meanwhile, it is very difficult to reliably collect notarized qua...

Stories Inter-Created in Value Chain

About Storichain is a global project that provides a partially decentralized dApp and a shared protocol for the story industry to solve the problems of the story industry through blockchain characteristics. The term ‘Story Industry’ refers to the industry which uses ‘stories’ as a source of their products and includes areas such as movies, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals, and radio dramas. However, despite the rapid growth of the market, the industry still has many problems left to be solved. One of the biggest problems is that the story assets (source stories, scripts, novels, webtoons, scenarios, etc.), which is the foundation of the entire industry, are only being traded on an offline platform due to idea theft issues. Currently, almost the entirety of the transactions is made offline between people who trust each other. In this regard, Storichain can be considered as a digital story asset management system which allows the individuals to make transactions o...